Dear Master Ron, Rusty, and Kha,
As the Lunar New Year approaches, I’d like to share some thoughts to start the year on a meaningful note.
There are certain things in life that we cannot make others change instantly—such as anger, emotions, thoughts, preferences, resentment, and hatred. Those who prepare for meditation learn to let go of these burdens in their minds while fostering an understanding of others. With this preparation, the benefits of meditation naturally begin to take root and transform the individual. This is one of the greatest realizations that meditation can offer.
If we take this mindset a step further and apply it to physical practices such as martial arts, karate, judo, and aikido, the question then shifts. Instead of focusing solely on the physical effectiveness of the techniques, the emphasis lies in understanding and becoming aware of the deeper benefits that these practices bring.
Many martial arts instructors emphasize discipline, but there’s a difference between truly understanding its value and simply following it out of habit or imitation. Discipline, while vital, works best when integrated with other essential qualities.
In short, I encourage you to create an environment where your students feel empowered to clear their minds when they come to practice. Allow them to leave behind the weight of their thoughts and immerse themselves fully in the moment with you.
Wishing you a prosperous and joyful Lunar New Year 2025!
Warm regards,
Master Thinh