Instructor training

Posted by Silkisondan Karate on Monday, April 22, 2024

Effective Monday April 22, 2024:

In lieu of the Mon/Wed 7:45 class, I am restarting the instructor program. Brown belts and up will begin teaching as the lead with a backup instructor to assist. Additionally blue belts and adv blue belts will be asked to participate in running parts of the class(eg warmups, drills, basics).

To help maintain current training, a brown/black belt class will be held the first Monday of each month at the old timeslot: 7:45 - 9:00 PM, subject to change and availability. You will not be required to teach any week that we have a brown/black belt class. This means that on the first week of each month, no one will be required to teach, and there are 2 meets: Monday and Saturday.

Select a timeslot to teach and a timeslot as a backup each week there is no brown/black belt class. There are currently 3 recurring classes and 1 recurring private lesson. Ensure different time slots for each week. (ie: if you select a 6:15 time slot for Monday/Wed for one week, try to select a Tuesday or Thursday time slot for the following week and so forth, that is unless there are no other available slots. To help support the other instructors and to collaborate on your progress, you will attend classes that the other instructors teach. Therefore, each week, you will teach 1 class, serve as the backup for another class, and attend the Saturday class. On weeks that no other students teach, please attend regular class.

Here is a google calendar that shows the classes and their times. I will continue updating this calendar to reflect school closings, performances, outings, etc:

A signup genius will be shared separately to select teaching slots.

Taking attendance
A link to the attendance tracker will follow. The backup instructor will be responsible for taking attendance. Please let me know if you have any questions.